678.615.3341 ana@icareatlanta.org

Donating real estate is now quick & easy!

Simple process. Maximum benefits for donors and nonprofits. Cash back options. Zero risk.

See if your property qualifies as a donation

Donating real estate has been an option for property owners since 1917, and is considered a “smarter way” to give. There are many tax benefits for the donor, including avoiding capital gain tax, and receiving a tax deduction on their AGI, adjusted gross income. 

The donor can give all the proceeds to one nonprofit, several nonprofits from one donation or even put the proceeds directly in a donor advised fund to grant out for many years or generations to come. 

Donors can tailor the size of their donation, meaning receive partial cash payment for the real estate donation and/or retire debt on the property. This is called a Bargain Sale, and simply means that the property does not need to be lean free or 100% donated.

The EASY three-step process

Step 1: Submit a property evaluation
To find out if your property qualifies, fill out this form.

Step 2: Declare intent to donate
Our Specialized Real Estate Team will handle everything… For both the donor & their designated nonprofits.

Step 3: Pick your charities
You’re In Control! You designate how much to give to any cause(s) you want!

Donor benefits

Thanks to our collaboration with a Charitable Real Estate Specialist team, we can now say “YES” to donors like you who want to donate any type of real estate.

  • No hassle: Get rid of a property that’s no longer needed or wanted, and fund your cause(s) with a simple three-step donation process!

  • Reduce expenses: Stop paying property taxes and fees for a property you won’t use or that’s no longer a smart investment.

  • Impressive tax savings:
    • Pay NO capital gains tax on the donated amount of the property.
    • Receive a tax deduction based on the appraised value of your property.

  • Estate planning: Avoid the burden of inherited real estate. Donating property is an estate planning vehicle unlike any other.
      • Eliminate the tax burden on those left behind.
      • Determine HOW the proceeds will be distributed.
      • Fund the cause(s) you love and leave a lasting legacy.

Have questions?

Contact our Real Estate Specialist, Christina Coleman at christina@icareatlanta.org.

Donate any type of real estate

From residential and commercial, to investment properties like multi-family, single units, you can donate it. The only type of property you can’t donate is a timeshare.

  • Vacant land: Regardless of why or where you acquired the property, repurposing it for impressive tax benefits, to fund your cause(s), and even use some of the funds for a new investment, could be your best option!

  • Inherited real estate: Real estate can often be more of a burden than a blessing when it comes to inheritance. Donating these properties can help avoid the taxes and other penalties associated with inherited real estate.

  • Donate property from anywhere: We can benefit from real estate donated from anywhere. So long as you are a tax-paying U.S. citizen, you can donate real estate from just about anywhere in the world!


How long does the property donation process take?

So long as all papers are in order, and the title is clear of any issues, the donation process normally takes 3-6 weeks.

Are there any fees charged?

As a general rule, our team’s specialized nonprofit will pay all the fees and costs associated with the transaction except for the property appraisal fee which is required as part of the process as well as to receive your tax deduction per IRS regulations.

Can I donate property with a lien or mortgage?

Yes, Every property needs to be evaluated, but our team of specialists will pay off any obligations as part of the transaction. To find out if a specific property qualifies, submit this form [link].

Can I get cash back from my property donation?

Yes. Our team of specialists offers bargain sale — or cash back — options to donors.

What tax benefits are there when I donate my property?

The general rule is that you can leverage the appraised value as the basis of your tax deduction, even if the sales price is lower. Consult your tax advisor for specific details as they pertain to your situation.

What is the evaluation process for potential property donations?

Our team of specialists reviews each real estate donation offer and analyzes a variety of different factors to maximize the potential of every property donation based on the donor’s wants and needs. Including the ability to donate proceeds from one property to multiple charities.

Will I need to be present for any step of the donation?

No. We can correspond virtually for every step, as well as mail all the necessary documents for you to sign at closing.

What happens to the property once it’s donated?

Our team’s specialized nonprofit will purchase the property outright at fair market value, and work with a local Real Estate Specialist to expedite the donation process. Then, based on the condition, location, and other factors, they will make improvements to maximize the resell value of the property. 

Who are Certified Charitable Real Estate Specialists?

Our Charitable Real Estate Specialist team consists of a nationwide team of heart-centric philanthropic entrepreneurs who often work directly with potential property donors such as realtors, CPAs, estate attorneys, and financial professionals, among others who are committed to supporting and funding the causes that serve their communities. 

Our Charitable Real Estate team also consists of a specialized nonprofit whose sole mission is to handle every element of the Charitable Real Estate Donation process for the Donor & Nonprofit. 

ANY nonprofit or donor can connect directly with our Charitable Real Estate Specialist team to initiate a charitable real estate donation.

This solution removes ALL risk and liability for the nonprofit(s), provides an easy process, and legal assurances that designated nonprofit(s) receive the intended donation, while the donor receives the appropriate tax benefits like paying no capital gains tax, impressive tax deductions, and even cash back options.

Often the only responsibility of the donor is to pay for the appraisal!

Leveraging our Charitable Real Estate Specialist team, donors can give more to the causes they love by giving smarter while nonprofits stay focused on their mission and receive the funding they need to make real change!

How do I make a real estate referral?

Please provide us with as much information concerning the real estate referral on this form. You may also refer a point of contact. If you have any questions please email, your Charitable Real Estate Specialist, Christina Coleman at christina@icareatlanta.org.

How do I become a corporate sponsor for this property donation campaign?

I Care America  is collaborating with a passionate team of Philanthropic Real Estate Professionals to help us to utilize real estate transactions to raise funds so that I Care America  can continue providing support for  individuals and families with the link between the stores who have the food and those who need it.

Our Certified Charitable Real Estate Specialist, including a specialized nonprofit, removes 100% of the risk, expense, and expertise required to accept these donations.

So, all I Care America needs help with is implementing our campaign.

Make a real impact with a gift that gives exponentially!


  • Get your own cause marketing campaign, including a landing page, social media content, donor ebook, etc.  promoting your Platinum sponsorship 
  • Shout out of thanks and logo on our foundation’s Social Media
  • Platinum Sponsor logo on ALL charitable real estate marketing material.


  • Listed on I Care America  Donate Real Estate landing page as a GOLD supporter/sponsor in perpetuity of the program. 
  • Shout out of thanks and logo on Social Media
  • Gold Sponsor logo on select charitable real estate marketing material.


  • Listed on I Care America  Donate Real Estate landing page as a SILVER supporter/sponsor in perpetuity of the program
  • Shout out of thanks and logo on Social Media. 
  • Silver Sponsor logo on select material


  • Listed on I Care America Donate Real Estate landing page as a BRONZE supporter/sponsor
  • Shout out of thanks and logo on Social Media. 
  • Bronze Sponsor logo on select material


Types of real estate donations

Gifts of real estate

The bargain sale

Help us by donating today!